Catalogue us mint gov
Catalogue us mint gov

We ask that the American public start spending their coins, depositing them, or exchanging them for currency at financial institutions or taking them to a coin redemption kiosk. For millions of Americans, cash is the only form of payment and cash transactions rely on coins to make change. Until coin circulation patterns return to normal, it may be more difficult for retailers and small businesses to accept cash payments. You can do so by paying for things with exact change and by returning spare change to circulation. We are asking for your help in improving this coin supply issue. You may be experiencing this in your local communities. Simply put, there is an adequate amount of coins in the economy, but the slowed pace of circulation has meant that sufficient quantities of coins are sometimes not readily available where needed. For example, in 2019, the Mint contributed 17% of newly-minted circulating coins paid into the supply chain, with the remainder coming from third-party coin processors and retail activity. Third-party coin processors and retail activity account for the majority of coins put into circulation each year. However, precautions taken to slow the spread of the virus have resulted in reduced retail sales activity and significantly decreased deposits from third-party coin processors, resulting in increased orders for newly minted coins produced by the United States Mint (Mint). In normal circumstances, retail transactions and coin recyclers return a significant amount of coins to circulation on a daily basis. The United States Mint is part of the solution to this issue, but we need your help as well. WASHINGTON – The impact of COVID-19 has resulted in the disruption of the supply channels of circulating coinage – the pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters that the American people and businesses use in their day-to-day transactions.

Catalogue us mint gov